Agent Meeting Request
What is LabBase Plus Agent?
A unique system to help you find the perfect opportunity
- We have a large selection or niche job offers.
- Match open job offers to your skillset using our custom AI system.
- We apply on your behalf to companies
Compared to other agents, we have the following strenghts:
- We have more job offers.
- We have more niche/specialized positions.
- We are able to provide better matching to your professional skillset.
About LabBase
Popular amongst math and science graduate/undergraduate students, LabBase is a job search assistance service for both new graduates and experienced workers.
Agent request form
Common questions
- Q. What happens after I request an agent?
- A. An agent will reach out to you to find a time for an online meeting. After we agree upon a date, we will send you a link to the meeting room.
- Q. Do I need to prepare anything for the meeting.
- A. No, you are not required to prepare anything. You can update your CV if you are intent on applying.
- Q. Am I required to apply to a job offer if I meet with an agent.
- A. No. You are not required to do anything. You can meet with an agent simply to learn about the job market.
- Q. How does LabBase work as a business?
- A. We, like most agent services, earn our revenue after a successful hiring. We are paid by our client corporations. We are focussed on finding connections between research orientated clients so we are more focussed on connecting you to the right corporation, not the place you will most likely get hired by. We respect your decisions and you are welcome to apply on your own regardless of our suggestions.