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Business proposal/research and development technologist in the field of bioscience


  • iPS stem cells
  • regenerative medicine
  • technology development utilizing microorganisms
  • 101 to 1,000

Company Info

Bioscience firm group is, next-generation pharmaceutical product manufacturing technology and large-scale production technology, material technology development, and is a company that accelerates the development of technology that utilizes iPS stem cells and regenerative medicine, and microorganisms.

Job Summary

We are conducting research and development of technology that is directly and indirectly used for the production of next-generation pharmaceutical products, and are strengthening the research and development of technology development for the production of next-generation pharmaceutical products, and the implementation of research and development of acceptance research.


We will conduct business and research and development of the production of next-generation pharmaceutical products. Specifically, we will be responsible for the research and development of technology that is directly and indirectly used for the production of next-generation pharmaceutical products, and the implementation and strengthening of research and development of technology development for the production of next-generation pharmaceutical products, and the implementation of acceptance research, new material technology, advanced research and development of the forefront of academia/technology, academic presentations, and promotion of academic activities, etc.


Those who have practical experience in the following areas - Research experience in the field of bioscience

Welcomed Skills

Those who have multiple academic presentations and practical experience in academic research and development or production/quality management department of a company in the field of bioscience, and those who have English language skills

*Data presented in this article may be outdated. If you notice a discrepancy in our data, please notify us on our contact page, here following this link.

Business proposal/research and development technologist in the field of bioscience


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What does "ask for info" mean?

When you click the ask for info button, we will first evaulate if you meet the application requirements. If you meet the requirements, we will send your application and attempt to set up a casual meeting with the company on your behalf.

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