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Natural Language Processing (NLP) Engineer



As a natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) engineer, you will be responsible for the design and implementation of algorithms and systems for the automatic generation and structuring of information from images, product catalogs, and product system development, as well as expanding to the development and production system of the algorithm/system, and collaboration with other researchers and presentation and participation in scientific conferences and academic discussions. In addition, strong research in NLP, machine learning, information retrieval, and data mining, as well as related research fields, such as publishing experience, English communication skills, Japanese text reading and processing skills, and experience in fields such as NLP, machine learning, information retrieval, and data mining, are essential.


Ph.D. in computer science, related research field or equivalent experience, Strong publication record at top conferences and journals in NLP, machine learning, information retrieval, data mining, or other related research fields, (e.g., ACL, EMNLP, ICLR, ICML, NeurIPS, SIGIR, The Web Conf (WWW), WSDM, KDD, and AAAI), English fluency for communicating with researchers, engineers, and business stakeholders, Proficiency in reading and processing Japanese text (our product catalog is written in Japanese), Coding skills: fluency in Python, Model development skills: fluency in PyTorch, Experience with Linux environment

Welcomed Skills

Coding skills: fluency in C / C++ / Java, Experience in distributed computing such as Spark and Hadoop, Japanese fluency for communicating with researchers, engineers, and business stakeholders

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