AI Solutions Development Engineer
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高級革製品事業では、キプリスブランドにて百貨店バイヤーズ賞を16年連続受賞するなど、一生愛せる本質的価値のある革製品を展開しています。プレスリリース・ニュースリリース配信シェアNo.1|PR TIMES

2023年4月時点で、日本唯一の革マイスターや革製品技能試験1級保持者が10人在籍(日本全体の約4割)するなど、卓越した技術力を持つ職人が集まっています。プレスリリース・ニュースリリース配信シェアNo.1|PR TIMES
2021年以降は、キャッシュレス時代のニーズに応えたコンパクト財布の開発など、伝統技術を活かしながら新しい価値創造にも取り組んでいます。プレスリリース・ニュースリリース配信シェアNo.1|PR TIMES
We will promote research and development of core technology for AI camera business and OCR, and solve specific work contents such as recognition of non-compliant behavior, placement search/individual recognition, matching camera tracking, Re-Identification technology improvement, and reading and implementation of short-term customer PoC. We use development languages such as C, C++, JavaScript (Next.js and React), C#, and Qt, and develop on OS such as Linux (Ubuntu), macOS, Windows, and can utilize GPU machines and shared GPU servers, and connect to in-house machines via VPN. As recruitment criteria, we are looking for those who are majoring in universities, graduate schools, and high schools (including postdocs and international students), those who are not in their second year of college, those who are specializing in mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science, and cognitive science, and those who have experience in implementing image recognition models using PyTorch and TensorFlow, and experience in OCR technology development, and language processing model development, and those who are welcome to participate in the development of open source technologies such as OpenVINO, ONNX Runtime, and TensorRT, and those who have experience in development on cloud platforms such as AWS, GCP, and Azure, and those who have experience in technology development using containers such as Docker, and those who have experience in application development using End-to-End, and those who are proficient in web application development using languages such as Linux, .NET, and SQL.
Those who are majoring in universities, graduate schools, and high schools (including postdocs and international students), those who are not in their second year of college, those who are specializing in mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science, and cognitive science, and those who have Japanese language proficiency (JLPT N2 or higher)
Welcomed Skills
Those who have experience in implementing image recognition models using PyTorch and TensorFlow, and experience in OCR technology development, and language processing model development, and those who are welcome to participate in the development of open source technologies such as OpenVINO, ONNX Runtime, and TensorRT, and those who have experience in development on cloud platforms such as AWS, GCP, and Azure, and those who have experience in technology development using containers such as Docker, and those who have experience in application development using End-to-End, and those who are proficient in web application development using languages such as Linux, .NET, and SQL