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Head of AI Solutions Business Division


Company Info

Ortz applies P.A.I. (Personal Artificial Intelligence) and develops AI solutions such as AI GIJIROKU, AI coordination, and Neo RMR, and provides AI technology that can be applied to a wide range of businesses, including automatic text generation for meetings and free discussions with AI, and AI voice conversation systems. As AI Marketing Director, you will be responsible for overall coordination of domestic marketing and international marketing, and will be responsible for formulating and implementing marketing strategies, business support, and investment effects analysis and verification, among other things.

Job Summary

As the head of the AI Solutions Business Division, you will develop and apply AI technology for enterprise optimization, new AI solution development, and organization management.


As the head of the AI Solutions Business Division, you will develop and apply a wide range of detailed digital technology, such as AI technology, machine learning, Web3, blockchains, and natural language processing, to expand AI solutions for enterprise-wide AI transformation, and to achieve sales targets, and to develop and implement business strategies for enterprise optimization, organization management, and new AI solution development.

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