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As an SRE at ANDPAD, you will be responsible for the infrastructure code (IaC) and the implementation of the development of CI/CD environments, the improvement of middleware and application performance, the construction and operation of networks on AWS and GCP, and the automation of operations such as CI/CD. You will also be responsible for the design and operation of the monitoring environment for anomaly detection and troubleshooting, and the design and operation of the infrastructure of the service environment, including the basic design of the service environment, and various business operations. In addition, you will use AWS and GCP, Elasticsearch for search, Datadog/Bugsnag/Sentry for monitoring and debugging, Circle CI/Codebuild for CI/CD, esa/Confluence for Knowledge Tool, and GitHub for VCS. As a prerequisite, we are looking for people who can empathize with ANDPAD's mission and values, have basic knowledge related to networks and security, basic knowledge related to AWS and GCP, and the ability to discover and solve technical problems in the system, as well as experience using Docker and Kubernetes in system design and actual operation. We are looking for people who have experience in the actual operation of RDBMS and the design and actual operation of systems using the cloud, as well as the ability to improve the performance of platforms and reliability, experience in system development, knowledge related to networks and security, experience with OSS and continuous integration, and technical troubleshooting experience.


Empathy for ANDPAD's mission and values, basic knowledge related to networks and security, basic knowledge related to AWS and GCP, ability to discover and solve technical problems in the system, experience using Docker and Kubernetes in system design and actual operation

Welcomed Skills

Experience in the actual operation of RDBMS, experience in the design and actual operation of systems using the cloud, experience using Datadog and Bugsnag, ability to improve the performance and reliability of platforms, experience in system development, knowledge related to networks and security, experience with OSS and continuous integration, technical troubleshooting experience, experience with open source software and contribution to technical blogs, technical ability, etc.

*Data presented in this article may be outdated. If you notice a discrepancy in our data, please notify us on our contact page, here following this link.