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Integrated Development of Software and Hardware

株式会社PKSHA Technology

  • Work Location Tokyo
  • Company employee count 101 to 1,000



Preview image for ⁨AI技術とデータ学習で進化し続けるアルゴリズム事業の全貌⁩.



Preview image for ⁨最先端AI技術と継続的な進化を実現する革新的なビジネスモデル⁩.


PKSHA Technology provides a support system for workplace communication that applies natural language processing/machine learning/deep learning to the changes in the way of working today, as well as the issues of workplace communication. In this position, you will be responsible for discovering and deepening customer needs for natural language processing and machine learning systems.


Experience in sales of truck cranes in previous jobs, Legal work experience of 2 years or more

Welcomed Skills

Experience in SaaS or integrated development of software and hardware, Experience in sales team management, Experience in integrated development of software and hardware, Experience in business development, Experience in BtoB marketing, Experience in maintenance of engineering

*Data presented in this article may be outdated. If you notice a discrepancy in our data, please notify us on our contact page, here following this link.