Material Research and Development Engineer
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2022年3月期の売上高は約2兆6,000億円、従業員数は28万人、事業展開は40カ国以上に及びます。Sumitomo Electric
主要事業として、CASEなど次世代自動車向けの光ハーネスを2026年に商用化予定で、10Gbps超の高速大容量通信を実現する開発を進めています。Sumitomo Electric
また、情報通信分野では、データセンター向けの高密度光ファイバーケーブルの開発や、世界最大19コアの標準外径マルチコア光ファイバーの開発に成功するなど、高度な技術開発を展開しています。Sumitomo Electric
環境・エネルギー分野においても、カーボンニュートラル社会の実現に向けて、日立グループや独シーメンスと協力し、再生可能エネルギー関連の開発を推進しています。Sumitomo Electric
Sumitomo Electric and US Conec Announce a Partnership to produce and deploy MMC Very Small Form Factor multi-fiber connector solutions | Sumitomo ElectricSumitomo Electric Accelerates the Development of Automotive Optical Harnesses for Practical Use in 2026 | Sumitomo ElectricSumitomo Electric and US Conec Announce a Partnership to produce and deploy MMC Very Small Form Factor multi-fiber connector solutions | Sumitomo ElectricNotice Concerning Commencement of Tender Offer for Shares of Nissin Electric Co., Ltd. and TECHNO ASSOCIE Co., Ltd. | Sumitomo Electric
Accelerate the development of new materials (such as functional materials, non-material compounds, and high-performance material compounds) by applying MI/PI. Plan and conduct research and development of new material development methods with external and internal innovation.
Individuals with experience in the application of data science and machine learning to solve problems, as well as those with experience in the development of functional materials, non-material compounds, and high-performance material compounds, or experience in electronic materials, and those with experience in the development of high-performance material compounds (3 years or more)
Welcomed Skills
Individuals with experience in solving problems using machine learning and Deep Learning