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Infrastructure Engineer (AWS/Azure)




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未来志向のDX総合ファーム - コンサルと開発のシナジーで社会課題に挑む

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We are looking for someone who can be responsible for the non-functional requirements definition, design, construction, and operation maintenance of IT infrastructure. As specific tasks, we are looking for someone who can automate infrastructure with Terraform as the center, organize the DevOps environment, and utilize cloud services such as AWS and Azure to apply serverless architecture and carry out high-quality infrastructure construction.


・Have 2 years or more of experience in the design, construction, and operation maintenance of IT infrastructure ・Have knowledge related to high availability, performance, and security required for IT infrastructure ・Have knowledge related to the concept of network (such as DNS and TCP/IP) of IT infrastructure ・Have fundamental knowledge related to storage (file storage, object storage, etc.) of IT infrastructure ・Have knowledge related to system monitoring and troubleshooting in the operation of IT infrastructure ・Have 1 year or more of experience using Amazon Web Services in design, construction, and operation maintenance ・Have 1 year or more of experience using Microsoft Azure in design, construction, and operation maintenance

Welcomed Skills

・Experience in the design and operation of infrastructure using Terraform and AWS CloudFormation and IaC ・Experience in the design and operation of infrastructure using Docker (Amazon ECS) ・Experience in the design and operation of serverless architecture using AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway in Amazon Web Services ・Experience in the design and operation of serverless architecture using Azure Functions and Azure API Management in Microsoft Azure ・Experience in the design of documentation related to non-functional requirements and basic design


Remote possible. Flex possible.

*Data presented in this article may be outdated. If you notice a discrepancy in our data, please notify us on our contact page, here following this link.