LabBase Plus celebrates pride

AI System Engineer


  • Python
  • Azure
  • SQL
  • Javascript
  • PyTorch
  • TensorFlow
  • Scikit-Learn
  • Opencv
  • Computer Vision
  • AI development
  • IT
  • web system development
  • UI Design
  • AI system development
  • Machine Learning Algorithm
  • Cloud service development
  • Machine learning algorithms
  • Mobile app development
  • Security programming
  • AI field instructor duties
  • Linear algebra/data analysis
  • AI-related educational material development
  • IT and AI field instructor work
  • Cloud service development and maintenance

Company Info

By providing solutions that combine AI development and data analysis, we contribute to the revitalization of local communities and customer businesses. We also engage in educational activities related to AI and IT, as well as instructor work in the field of AI.

Job Summary

We use AI development environments to reflect user needs, and develop AI system development and educational materials. We use Python, Azure, scikit-learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch, OpenCV, JavaScript, and other technologies to work on extensive tasks.


In the development of AI systems, we analyze user needs and design and develop systems to realize them. Specific tasks include the development of AI-related educational materials, and IT and AI field instructor work at universities and technical schools. We also use Python, Azure, scikit-learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch, OpenCV, JavaScript, and other technologies to use and maintain the development environment for AI systems and the development and maintenance of cloud services.


・3 years or more of practical experience ・Ability to understand and reflect user needs and develop system designs ・Ability to independently develop web systems from front-end to back-end ・Experience in developing and maintaining cloud services ・Knowledge of SQL and linear algebra/data analysis

Welcomed Skills

・Knowledge related to statistical analysis and machine learning algorithm ・Ability to design UI for web systems ・Experience in mobile app development ・Experience in applying machine learning and data analysis (preferably information technology engineer or above) ・Knowledge of security programming (corresponding to information processing security support engineer)

*Data presented in this article may be outdated. If you notice a discrepancy in our data, please notify us on our contact page, here following this link.

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AI System Engineer


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What does it mean to "request an application"?

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What does "ask for info" mean?

What does "ask for info" mean?

When you click the ask for info button, we will first evaulate if you meet the application requirements. If you meet the requirements, we will send your application and attempt to set up a casual meeting with the company on your behalf.

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